How we Met

We met the day after Matt returned from his mission. I was set up on a blind date a few days before and we decided to have another big group date. Matt's date fell through and my date was frantically trying to find him a date. I called my sister and she drove 45 minutes to help me out and go on this blind date. Well, her date was Matt, he was scared to death, and she was pleasantly surprised. Being home from his mission a day he doesn't really remember much and she moved on to another man.

We re-connected nine months later. I remembered him, because lets face it, he is six foot nine inches, and I really liked his friend. I smiled at him from across the parking lot at church, that is all it took, a smile.

He didn't remember our group date and went immediately to his friend (my blind date) and asked who I was. We started dating a few weeks later and soon realized the connection we had. We were married seven months later and have now spent seven years happily married.